DC Area 5mi / 8k
Category: 5mi / 8k
Saturday, September 14
September 14 8:00am - 10:00am
The Washington DC Chapter of the ROCKS 5-Mile Run & 2-Mile Walk
Saturday, September 21
September 21 8:30am - 9:45am
Event Info
Since 1994, the Kensington 8K Race has been a favorite DC area fall race – a fun, fast event with beauty, challenge, and excitement. Run it this year on Saturday, September 21, 2024!
The 8K distance is $39, with a start time of 8:30am. Shorter distances are 2M ($25) at 7:45am and 1K ($20) at 8:35am.
Packet pick-up, parking, the start/finish line, and post-race festival are all near Kensington Town Hall, just a block off Connecticut Avenue about a mile north of Beltway exit 33.
Benefits MCPS local schools.
Sunday, September 29
September 29 7:00am - 12:00pm