By James Moreland
Fairfax, VA
April 30, 2011
For the Washington Running Report
Ryan Deak makes it look easy, racing home in 34:07.
The wind was blowing so strong that the balloon arch needed two handlers. The day was sunny but cool as the quixotic season bounced from hot to cold. Perhaps the first things runners noticed for this first time race is the great signage. From all sides there were signs and marshals leading the runners to the free parking, registration, and the starting lines for the 10K at 8:30 a.m. and the 3K at 9:00 a.m.
In the square, surrounded by spring flowers, the event was well organized. Centered by the stage and the energizing music, runners took note that there was a fully stocked chow line for after the race. Both races had the same finish line but the starting lines were not in sight of each other. The finish line was on the east side of the square on West Street. The 10K started on the south side, still on West Street.
There were no superstars here today so the crowd moved slowly up to the lead ChronoTrack mat, perhaps not wanting to assume a lead position. At the start runners were treated to a hundred meters of pure downhill before circling back around and up to Main Street. The little uphill separated the wheat from the chaff even before runners enjoyed the long downhill in the opening mile.
There were hundreds of cones and scores of marshals keeping everyone on course. One runner noted after the race that with so many turns the course may have run a little long. Certified courses are measured on the tangent and the cones were placed in the middle of the roads on the turns causing racers to make a 90 degree turn each time. There were no killer hills and quite a few medium long down hills but lots of turning and up hills can take a bite out of a runner’s pace.
Ryan Deak, 25, of Burke, VA quietly powered away from the field. It was all over long before the first of dozens of little hills and turns broke up the pace from the runners. He was one of seven runners with a Ranked Runner time in the 10K. Even though his bib number was 911, he did not need any help to cruise to an almost three minute victory in 34:07. Ramsey Wilson had a solid 36:57 for second overall, followed by Blake Sims with 37:55.
Before the race it was not just the volunteers who thought the breeze was making it cold. Elite athelete Anita Freres, 46, of Reston, VA was hugging herself to stay warm and claimed she was going to take it easy. Kayley Byrne, 23, of Oak Hill, VA (photo) blew away from the field to win soundly in 40:56, fifth overall. Freres started back further but powered her way forward in the first half of the race to put herself in position to take second from Cathy Ross, 39, of Burke, VA 43:45 to 43:19.
Midway through the course as runners started down a long hill, they were greeted by a massive display of gorgeous, multi-colored azaleas that took up most of a corner lot front yard.
The marshals were very good at warning runners of impending turns and hills. It was great to hear at 5.5 miles that the last hill was done. The course had finished its circumnavigation and the final quarter mile was even downhill. The sun was a lot brighter and most of the runners were no longer complaining that it was cold.
For nearly all the racers the final stretch was accompanied by returning 3K runners.
Crossing the finish line past the Capital Running Company RV, runners needed only to make a quick U-turn and soon there were enjoying hot chili with cheese (vegetarian or Cincinnati). There were bagels and cream cheese as well as fresh fruit and plenty of bottled water and Gatorade.
The awards ceremony went smoothly with top three overall getting very nice prizes such as $150 dinner certificates. The age groups went two deep with restaurants, grocery stores, Pacers Running, and movie coupons.
Fairfax CASA is a public charity that recruits and trains citizen volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children who are under the court’s protection in Fairfax County. Nicknamed “the eyes and ears of the judge,” CASA volunteers help ensure that these vulnerable children are placed in safe, permanent, and loving homes as quickly as possible.
The first year event really knows how to run a race. There were nearly five hundred finishers in the 10K and nearly 300 finishers in the 3K run/walk.
10K Awards
MALE OVERALL 1 911 Ryan Deak 25 Burke VA 34:07 2 796 Ramsey Wilson 39 Falls Church VA 36:57 3 564 Blake Simms 32 Fort Belvoir VA 37:55 FEMALE OVERALL 1 419 Kayley Byrne 23 Oak Hill VA 40:56 2 919 Anita Freres 46 Reston VA 43:15 3 550 Cathy Ross 39 Burke VA 43:19 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 1 - 12 1 666 Sarah Proctor 12 Chantilly VA 1:06:18 1:06:18 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 13 - 17 1 132 Cameron Rhodes 16 Fairfax VA 47:23 47:23 2 823 Conner Pleasants 15 Fairfax VA 49:03 49:03 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 13 - 17 1 801 Bridget Snydstrup 14 Fairfax Station VA 59:37 59:37 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 18 - 24 1 173 Brian Skram 24 Arlington VA 45:34 45:34 2 646 Andrew Borden 24 Alexandria VA 48:40 48:40 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 18 - 24 1 458 Elizabeth Thrall 24 Annandale VA 50:08 50:08 2 782 Jennifer Purdum 24 Vienna VA 50:37 50:37 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 25 - 34 1 587 Leyi Lin 31 Chevy Chase MD 40:22 40:22 2 252 Kristopher MacK 34 Fairfax VA 41:12 41:12 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 25 - 34 1 388 Jennifer Procopio 29 Alexandria VA 46:14 46:14 2 149 Mamie Kingsley 25 Arlington VA 46:36 46:36 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 35 - 44 1 909 Erik Heyer 39 Washington DC 43:07 43:07 2 345 Jonathan Parks 38 Manassas VA 43:24 43:24 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 35 - 44 1 189 Judy Doldorf 38 Manassas VA 46:16 46:16 2 547 Brooke Alsamman 44 Fairfax VA 46:59 46:59 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 45 - 54 1 620 Rhys Williams 49 Reston VA 44:07 44:07 2 912 Bill Stahr 50 The Plains VA 45:57 45:57 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 45 - 54 1 328 Lorraine Breedon 49 Washington DC 51:10 51:10 2 487 Bonnie Berkowitz 45 Vienna VA 55:48 55:48 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 55 - 64 1 691 Steve Sakry 58 Stafford VA 43:41 43:41 2 429 Michael Wesbecher 63 Oakton VA 44:43 44:43 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 55 - 64 1 88 Robin Kirby 56 Arlington VA 1:02:36 1:02:36 2 16 Meredith Dumm 59 Fairfax VA 1:02:50 1:02:50 MALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 65 - 99 1 455 Jack Tozier 68 Oakton VA 53:09 53:09 FEMALE AGE GROUP: NET TIME 65 - 99 1 802 Maryellen Burke 73 Fairfax Station VA 1:01:35 1:01:35 MALE FIRST TIME RACER: NET TIME - NET PACE 1 - 99 1 51:42 47 Robert Dolecki 39 M Sterling VA 52:12 22:12 FEMALE FIRST TIME RACER: NET TIME - NET PACE 1 - 99 1 50:37 782 Jennifer Purdum 24 F Vienna VA 50:55 20:55
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