Monumental Runner – Andrea Keane-Myers

Name: Andrea Keane-Myers

Self-described age group: 45-49  Female

Residence: Bethesda

Occupation: Scientist

Volunteer roles in the running world: secretary, MCRRC Board of Directors, co-race director- Cabin John Kids’ Runs

Why you run: Stress Relief, fun, adventure – something to do with family (my husband, two daughters and dog also run)

When did you get started running: Elementary school running with my dad

Have you taken a break from running:  yes, injuries and pregnancies

Training shoe: Altra Paradigm

Coach or training group: MCRRC XMP

The hardest race you’ve ever run: either JFK 50 (with a sprained ankle) or my first Marine Corps Marathon with a torn hip flexpr

Most adventurous decision you’ve made with your running: Convincing 90 people from my NIH institute to run a relay race (some of us in constume!)

Running mentors: Mike Broderick, Mike Wardian

My favorite place to run in the D.C. area is: Capital Crescent Trail or Rock Creek Park

Favorite local trail:  Cabin John Trail or C&O Canal Towpath

My best race was: My first Boston Marathon

Favorite local race: Parks Half Marathon

Ideal post-run meal: Pizza and beer

Favorite flavor of gel, gu, etc: Lemonade flavor Honey Stingers

Pet peeve: People who don’t thank their volunteers

Goals: qualify for Boston again/ run more ultras

Your advice for a new runner:  Patience is a virtue

Favorite running book: Born to Run

Song in your head during a run: anything from the ’80s

Have you dealt with a major injury: yes, multiple broken feet, sprained ankles, IT band injuries, torn hip flexor, broken wrist, broken finger, torn hamstring

Running quote: “Just keep running…”

Why is the D.C. area a great place to be a runner:  excellent running trails, lots of races (all different distances, terrains etc.), beautiful places to run and sight-see

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Carderock Half Marathon

May 18th, 2025

7:30 AM Start

Race on the scenic C&O Towpath
$65.00 through 2/28
$75.00 – 2/28 through 4/30
$85.00 – 4/30 through 5/18 at 7:29 AM

Race Course and Finish Line will be open for 3 1/2 hours.


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