Texas Tech alumnus Jesse Williams, from Sound Running, talks about his training programs but was mainly invited so Farley could gloat about the NCAA basketball championship game.
They touch on UVA Hoops (@UVAMenshoops) for the first time at (2:52) but no worries, they will be back later to talk about the national championship some more later.
At (7:30) they are joined by Jesse Williams from Sound Running.
They start out at (8:19) talking about the NCAA title game from a Texas Tech perspective.
At (11:55) Jesse talks about getting his start as a guru with Brooks, before moving on to the sports marketing group.
At (12:40) Jesse talks about Brian Sell making the Olympic Team and building the brand win by win.
At (17:55) Jesse talks about an out of the box marketing idea at the 2012 USA Track and Field Olympic Trials that was intended for the athletes but not received well by all.
At (27:49) they talk about what makes Sound Running different from other training programs out there.
At (32:15) Jesse recalls the infamous 5 beers in 5 boroughs, and they try to get him to weigh in on the official asterisk, but they settle for an expert skirting of the issue.
At (39:45) Docs tells one of his favorite New York City Marathon karaoke stories and they stress the importance of picking a song within your abilities.
At (46:01) Jesse talks about how his running perspective and race category has changed.
They are back at (49:15) to wrap up the interview.
At (50:48) Tess retells a feel good story that previously disappeared in the ether.
At (53:39) they whine about the Cherry Blossom crowds and at (58:23) they do the whole “where were you when the Hoos won the National Championship” bit which was just pretense for Farley to talk about being at the game.
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